Monday, May 9, 2011

Quick Update

We were able to track down a survey of the property from a company in Long Branch that did some work on this building in the early 1980s.  They were kind enough to give me a copy of what they had so that I could use that for the basis of our Minor Site Plan Application.  The engineers based their site plan on the survey data from that drawing and laid out where on the property we intend to install the unit.  I got the drawing from them yesterday and submitted the application with some pictures of the property and some data on the chiller itself.  I also found out that the meeting was moved from May 23 to June 8, so we won’t know officially if we can install it until two weeks later. 

We are still waiting for the fire suppression (sprinkler system) permit but these are the last two items we need from the town…for now. 

The FlowCrete guys are scheduled to start installing the floor covering tomorrow and the plumber is coming by the go over the work plan for the next few weeks.  We should be in a position to move the equipment into its final location this weekend and the electrician is planning to finish the main service by Monday.

We are still working to finalize the date, but the team from DME coming down to help install the equipment will probably be here at the end of the month.  We should be able to get the brew house functioning over the ten days they are here.

The condenser unit for the cooler arrived a few days ago and the box itself should be here early next week.  By then the brewing equipment will be out of the way so we can build that in place later next week.  The only piece of equipment we are waiting for is the keg washer and our 1/6 kegs—both of which should be here within a few weeks.     

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